
Tailchat—An open-source and easily expandable instant chat application, making communication more free, flexible, and fun

For personal users, Tailchat perfectly adapts to the following scenarios:

  1. Playing with Friends: Simply create a group, and divide different topics through multiple channels; you can also use a web panel to share your favorite webpages.
  2. Building Your Fan Circle: Use bots to subscribe and forward information to the chat panel, gather fans together, avoid creating countless QQ/WeChat groups, and multiple channels enable multiple topics to be generated together.
  3. Privacy in Your Hands: If privacy is of great concern to you, Tailchat allows you to deploy it yourself, and everything can be controlled in your hands.

For business users, Tailchat also has rich features:

  1. Panelized Design: Fully meets the customization needs of the enterprise.
  2. Plug-in Architecture: Development based on the core becomes extremely convenient.
  3. Self-deployment Implementation: Protects corporate value, giving you peace of mind in use.
  4. Open Source Code: Transparency of the code makes auditing simple.

Step One: Update the Sources

apt update -y && apt upgrade -y    
yum update -y && yum upgrade -y    

Step Two: Install Docker

curl -fsSL -o && sh ./

Step Three: Pull the Image

docker pull moonrailgun/tailchat # Pull tailchat image from the public image library
docker tag moonrailgun/tailchat tailchat # Rename the downloaded image as tailchat (keep consistent with source code compilation; if not renamed, source code compilation process will be followed)

Step Four: Download Necessary Files

mkdir tailchat && cd tailchat

Modify the docker-compose.env file settings, suggesting changes to the following content:

  1. API_URL External accessible URL address, used for file service access, can be a domain name or an IP If images cannot be displayed properly, this variable is not set
  2. SECRET Server encryption key, used to generate Tokens. Default is tailchat
  3. SMTP_SENDER Send email verification information, format as or "YourName"
  4. SMTP_URI SMTP email service address, format as: <protocol>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<other-info>
  5. ADMIN_USER Administrator account name
  6. ADMIN_PASS Administrator account password

Step Five: Launch the Application

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f admin.yml up -d

Access: http://<server ip>:11000 to open Tailchat

Access: http://<server ip>:11000/admin to open Tailchat admin panel


Below are all the current environment variables, which can be added or modified directly in docker-compose.env. After modifying, run the following command to clear the cache and restart the container

Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
PORT11000Gateway service port number
SECRETtailchatEncryption key, used for JWT
STATIC_HOST"{BACKEND}"Externally accessible static service host, used for file service access; defaults to dynamically inferred server address based on front-end request; modify if you wish to store in third-party OSS
STATIC_URL"{BACKEND}/static/"Externally accessible full static service URL prefix, used for file service access; defaults to dynamically inferred server address based on front-end request; modify if stored in third-party OSS; if this variable is set, the above STATIC_HOST value is invalid
API_URLhttp:// accessible URL address, used for open platform issuer issuance or as a fallback for file service
MONGO_URL-Database service address
REDIS_URL-Redis service address
MINIO_URL-File service address (minio)
MINIO_USER-File service username
MINIO_PASS-File service password
MINIO_BUCKET_NAMEtailchatFile service bucket name
MINIO_PATH_STYLE"Path"Whether to use path-style S3 communication format, Path for Path Style, VirtualHosted for Virtual hosted style
SMTP_SENDER-Mail service sender (Example: "Tailchat"
SMTP_URI-Mail service connection address (Example: smtp://
FILE_LIMIT1048576File/image upload size limit, default is 1m, please enter a number (Unit: bytes)
EMAIL_VERIFY-Enable email verification, if "1" or "true" then email verification control is added during registration
DISABLE_LOGGER-Disable log output, if "1" or "true" log is closed during operation
DISABLE_USER_REGISTER-Disable user registration function, if "1" or "true" this function is closed
DISABLE_GUEST_LOGIN-Disable user guest login function, if "1" or "true" this function is closed
DISABLE_CREATE_GROUP-Disable user group creation function, if "1" or "true" this function is closed
DISABLE_PLUGIN_STORE-Hide user plugin center function, if "1" or "true" this function is closed
DISABLE_ADD_FRIEND-Hide user add friend function, if "1" or "true" this function is closed
docker-compose down --rmi all
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f admin.yml up -d

Tag:Configure, Tailchat, Easily Expandable, Instant Chat Application

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