
SurveyKing, a powerful survey and exam system


  • 🥇 Supports over 20 types of questions, such as fill-in-the-blank, choice, drop-down, cascade, matrix, pagination, signature, question group, upload, horizontal fill-in-the-blank, etc.
  • 🎉 Multiple ways to create surveys: Excel import, text import, online editor editing
  • 💪 Various survey settings, including white-list responses, public inquiries, response restrictions, etc.
  • 🎇 Data, supports survey data addition, editing, tagging, exporting, printing, previewing, and packing downloads of attachments
  • 🎨 Reports, supports real-time statistical analysis of questions and displays outputs and exports in graphics (bar charts, histograms, pie charts), tables
  • 🚀 Simple installation and deployment (fastest 1-minute deployment), supports one-click Windows deployment, one-click Docker deployment, front-end and back-end separate deployment, single jar deployment, secondary directory deployment
  • 🥊 Responsive layout, perfect adaptation for both desktop and mobile (including survey editing, settings, responses)
  • 👬 Supports collaboration in survey management
  • 🎁 Back-end supports various databases, compatible with all relational databases with JDBC drivers
  • 🐯 Secure, reliable, stable, high-performance back-end API service
  • 🙆 Comprehensive support for RBAC permission control
  • 🦋 Supports visual configuration of survey jump and display logic, as well as custom logic through formulas (SurveyKing's logic settings are much stronger than mainstream commercial survey systems)

    • Show/Hide Logic
    • Value Calculation Logic Dynamic calculation of question answers, from simple BMI calculation based on height and weight to complex logic and numerical combinations
    • Text Replacement Logic Dynamic display of question content
    • Value Verification Logic Can judge the validity of the current question based on other answers
    • Required Logic Dynamic judgment of whether the current question is required
    • Option Auto-Check Logic Automatic selection based on other questions and option answers
    • Option Show/Hide Logic Dynamic display or hiding of options
    • End Survey Logic
    • Jump Logic Dynamic jumping
    • End Survey Custom Prompt Logic After answering, different prompt information can be displayed based on answers or exam scores
    • Custom Jump Link Logic After answering, different links can be jumped to based on answers or exam scores, and answer parameters can be carried
  • 🌈 Supports unique option settings, multiple survey data related queries, updates and deletions, automatic exam scoring, custom prompt language, custom jump links, etc.

Survey Product Comparison

Survey NetTencent SurveySurvey StarGolden DataSurveyKing
Survey Research✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Online Exam✔️✔️✔️✔️
Supported Types🥇🥉🥇🥈🥈
Type Settings🥇🥉🥇🥇🥇
Automatic Calc🥉🥈🥇
Logic Settings🥈🥈🥈🥈🥇
Custom Verify✔️
Custom Export🥈🥉🥇
Mobile Editing✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Public Inquiry✔️✔️✔️
Private Deployment💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰Free

Deployment Method:

Step One: Update Source


apt update -y && apt upgrade -y    


yum update -y && yum upgrade -y   

Step Two: Install and Configure Docker

Install Docker:

curl -fsSL -o && sudo sh ./

Start Docker:

sudo systemctl start docker

Set Docker to start automatically at boot:

sudo systemctl enable docker

Step Three: Install and Start "SurveyKing" Container

docker run -p 1991:1991 surveyking/surveyking

After deployment, you can access "SurveyKing" at http://<your-ip>:1991. Initial account: admin, password: 123456

Effect Diagram:

Relevant Addresses:

Official website:
GitHub address:

Tag:Configure, Survey System, Exam System, SurveyKing

Original link:

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