
Audiobookshelf is a self-hosted audiobook and podcast server, designed specifically for audio enthusiasts. It is completely open source, including Android and iOS apps that are currently in the testing phase. It allows instant streaming of all audio formats, supports searching, and adding podcasts.

What makes Audiobookshelf unique is its ability to automatically detect library updates and batch uploads. It can back up metadata and automatically perform daily backups, obtain metadata and covers from multiple sources, and is equipped with a chapter editor and chapter search function. It allows users to merge audio files into a single m4b format and embed metadata and cover images into the audio files. Also, it can act as an e-book reader, supporting Epub, pdf, cbr, and cbz formats. Users can even send e-books to devices (such as Kindle) and set up RSS feeds for podcasts and audiobooks.

Deployment Method:

Step One: Update Sources


apt update -y && apt upgrade -y    


yum update -y && yum upgrade -y   

Step Two: Install and Configure Docker

Install Docker:

curl -fsSL -o && sudo sh ./

Start Docker:

sudo systemctl start docker

Set Docker to start automatically at boot:

sudo systemctl enable docker

Install and Run Audiobookshelf Container

  1. Create Directory

    mkdir -p /root/audiobookshelf/{config,metadata,audiobooks,podcasts}
  2. Enter Directory

    cd audiobookshelf/
  3. Install and Run Audiobookshelf Container (modify the left port to an unused port)

    docker run -d \
      -p 13378:80 \
      -v /root/audiobookshelf/config:/config \
      -v /root/audiobookshelf/metadata:/metadata \
      -v /root/audiobookshelf/audiobooks:/audiobooks \
      -v /root/audiobookshelf/podcasts:/podcasts \
      --name audiobookshelf \

    Step Four: Reverse Proxy to Domain

    Here, a very simple method is used: Origin Rules provided by Cloudflare.
    Configuration as follows:

    Modify Field to Hostname, Value to the chosen full domain name, Rewrite to the port you just filled in on the left

    Remember to resolve your subdomain to the server IP:
    Use an A record, Name as domain prefix, Content as server address

    Step Five: Configure Audiobookshelf

  4. Create an Admin Account

  1. Configure the Library

  1. Configure the Podcast Library

  1. Now you can search for the podcasts you want to listen to, Enjoy

Related Links:

GitHub address:

Android App download link:

iOS App download link:

Tag:Configure, Audiobooks, Podcasts, Audiobookshelf

Original link:

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